Monday, February 22, 2010

update and salmon:)

I thought I'd give you all a quick update on what me and Cam are doing.
I am:
- trying to get into the Physical therpist Assistant program and CSN
- Teaching two of the cutest 6 year olds in the world 1st grade:)
- currently the 1st counselor in the Young Womens program in my ward

Cam is:
- working his bum off at school (political science major)
- working his bum off at selling furniture (RC Willey Clearance center)
- working his bum off in his calling (1st counselor in the YM's program)
- currenly bumless;)

We are:
- in love!
- having a blast!
- finally going on our honeymoon on may 17th!!

* funny story from valentines day:) Cameron made all the preparations and plans for V-day. We went up to the snow, grilled salmon (that tasted like HEAVEN) and asparagus (more heaven) and then we watched HITCH on our lap-top freezing in blankets. SOOO FUN:)
----- funny part..... found the left over salmon TODAY, in the back of his truck in the cooler with all the dirty plates and utensils....


1 comment:

Cindy said...

Go...Go...Go... it sounds like you guys are doing the right 'stuff'.... fun! Enjoy it! Love, Aunt Cindy