Friday, December 12, 2008

men in my life!

So.. Ha ha i love kaity and jacob and todd and cameron and tony. Mainly you boys and girl made my night! ... i think that was a shout out... so.... ha ha.
I can't tell you how extremely lucky i am... i just am.
I have great friends, many of them who care about me and care to make me happy (even if my dad is paying them to do so... by the way THANKS DAD- I have the best friends money can buy!)ha ha
I am thankful for my brother who tells me he loves me. Watch out girls!, this kid is amazing! he strives everyday to be the best he can be, i look to him as an example. I am so lucky to have him as a brother. I am thankful for those boys in my life who hold the priesthood and are examples to me everyday, they remind of my brother.
I am even more grateful for my other brother, my savior. I Recently learned in my Book of Mormon class something that a bunch of you probably learned way before me. (ha ha it takes me awhile to catch on sometimes) I knew that Jesus had died for our sins, and for our pains and infirmities, But what i did not realise was that Christ only had to suffer for our sins. That was the only thing that had to be suffered for in order for the atonement to work so that we could return to live with our Heavenly Father.What didn't have to be done... he volunteered to do. He volunteered to take on our hurt, our feelings of inadequacy, our loss, our pain of missing our parents when we are away at school, our pain of missing people we were once close to! He did this all so he could better understand our trials... so when we are by ourselves hurting, he can be the friend who truly knows what we are going through. He has so much love for us, mostly, at least in my case, undeserving love. And somehow even when we mess up, he's proud of us for trying! I don't understand it, but i love it, and i am above all grateful for it.
I am thankful for my Father on this earth. He is amazing. I don't know if he knows that i have noticed, but he has changed in the past couple of years. He is awesome. I know he loves me. It is so humbling to me to have a big guy, like my daddy, come up and apologize for little things making fun of me in front of my friends... he was worried that he had my feelings! haha i love that man! I got soooo lucky. He is so smart. He an amazing father, and a wonderful husband.
I am also thankful for my friend Jake and his amazing testimony of this gospel, and his ability to make me laugh, and listen to me talk about nothing for hours and hours, and somehow enjoy it. ha ha (my Dad must be paying him more than he is the rest of em!)
I have some amazing men in my life and I am truly indebted to them for the kindness, example, and sacrifice to help me.


Anonymous said...

this was great. thanks for sharing!! read my blog.. its fun! :D

. said...

Oh Marissa i love you:] you pretty much bore your testimony on your blog and i think thats amazing. We must hang out when we're all back in town for winter break. okay.